The Order

Thursday November 11 (Poetry Challenge Day 38)

I would rather adventure overland,
than do anything else.

I would rather ride my bike,
than do anything else.

I would rather ski,
than do anything else.

I would rather write,
than do anything else.

I would rather be with my baby,
than do anything else.

I am presenting these thoughts,
in reverse order of importance.

Fuck No

Wedensday November 10 (Poetry Challenge Day 37)

Let’s play a game…
When I ask you a question,
you answer, “fuck no.”

Q. Baby, would you get out of bed
and fetch me a glass of water?
A. “Fuck no.”

Q. Baby, would you get out of bed
and go cover the lawn chairs?
A. “Fuck no.”

Q. Baby, would you get out of bed
and turn off the light?

A. “Fuck no.”

OK. I’ll do it…


I just installed a WiFi light switch. Coolest thing ever. I don’t have to get out of bed any more to turn off the light… and neither does anyone else… No part of this poem should be construed as a suggestion that anyone in particular would be unwilling to do a simple thing for me like turn out the light… (Covering lawn chairs could be a different matter, but probably isn’t.)

Climate Change

Tuesday November 9 (Poetry Challenge Day 36)

Some say yes,
some say no.

You can’t remember a time when the climate
was much different than today.

Good for you,
neither can I.

But why should we base the lives and livelihoods
of future generations on our memory?

Can you remember what the climate was like
a thousand years ago, ten thousand, one hundred thousand?

Neither can I.

But there is a way we can…
it’s called science.

Glaciologists are answering these questions today.
All we need to do is pay attention.

Note: Just a couple of weeks ago, U.S. Wildlife officials announced the extinction of 11 birds, 8 fresh water mussels, 2 fish, and 1 bat. “We find speaking of the Anthropocene, even speaking in the Anthropocene, difficult. It is, perhaps, best imagined as an epoch of loss - of species, places and people - for which we are seeking a language of grief and, even harder to find, a language of hope.” - Robert MacFarlane.


Monday November 8 (Poetry Challenge Day 35)

I went to my inbox and found the word “Galere” in my ‘Word of the Day’ email. I created the first line of this poem using that word as inspiration. I’ll admit this seems a bit personal, but I suppose that is what poetry should be…

I have felt like an outsider
most of my life.
I’ve been good at many things,
but only good, never great.

I’ve never really felt I was the best
at something, or nearly so.
It always seems I could do
a little bit better.

I don’t know if reaching that level
is a matter of skill and accomplishment that anyone can achieve,
or is the feeling of falling short
a lack of contentment with oneself.

I’m not sure how I will answer that question.


Sunday November 7 (Poetry Challenge Day 34)

Arabica beans are superior.
Robusta beans taste like dirt.

Be sure and read the label carefully.
Caution is the better part of taste.

It once was asked, “who buys Robusta beans?”
The answer was “mostly prisons.”


Saturday November 6 (Poetry Challenge Day 33)

It was the Fall of ’19
a few months before the Pandemic.

Life was different.
No real concern for the future.

I followed by best friend
into the Sierra Mountains.

We spent three glorious days
camping by a pristine alpine lake.

He tells me now he misses the Sierras.
So do I.

I miss that time we shared.
That escape into something wholly different.

He says he can’t go back,
can no longer carry the load.

I’m not sure I could.
We could always hire Sherpas I suppose.


Friday November 5 (Poetry Challenge Day 32)

If you want a friend
get a dog.

If you want to be ignored
get a cat.

(But this poem is about dogs.)

A dog will follow you
to the end of the earth.

And likely not complain
along the way.

It doesn’t matter
what your dog is thinking.

If asked, the answer will always be
‘I love you.’

Note: The reference to cats ignoring you isn’t always true. Mine follows me around just like a dog.

A Month

Thursday November 4 (Poetry Challenge Day 31)

I’m mildly surprised,
I completed one month.

Eleven to go,
I’m still not convinced.

I don’t know where the
words come from.

As long as they keep coming,
I will keep scribing.


Wednesday November 3 (Poetry Challenge Day 30)

Any day you write a poem
is a good day.


Tuesday November 2 (Poetry Challenge Day 29)

My cat has no idea
how lucky he is to be out of Florida.

I adopted him after Hurricane Michael
made him homeless.

He now resides in Washington,
and frequently Oregon.

He was flown here for free
so he could be adopted.

I’m lucky to have him.
He warms my heart.

I wonder if he remembers…
never mind… he is mine now.

No Obligation

Monday November 1 (Poetry Challenge Day 28)

I hearby release you
from all obligation you may feel
to read these words.

Starting today.

Now go do something
useful for the world.

Note: Unlike me.


Sunday October 31 (Poetry Challenge Day 27)

Conservative member of Parliament, David Amess, stabbed to death while holding a meeting with his local constituency

Violence came to the mother-land
before it came to our shores.

I’m surprised.
I thought we would be the first to choose this path.

Note: Naturally violence of this sort is not new, to either country. It’s just that we haven’t seen this for awhile and it comes as a shock. Our intolerance for one-another has been pushing us in this direction for several years.


Saturday October 30 (Poetry Challenge Day 26)

You should never give advice.
What you should do,
is lead people to the
proper conclusion.

Like leading a horse to water
there is no guarantee she will drink.
But consider, if you tell her to go drink,
she will just look at you.

The best advice I can give you is
don’t give advice.

Note: Unless of course it is asked for, and then very cautiously.

High Desert

Friday October 29 (Poetry Challenge Day 25)

Sunrise in the high desert
is a joy to behold.
It is so fleeting.
I would like to freeze it
and bathe in it for awhile.
I love the way it silhouettes
things you wouldn’t ordinarily notice.
It makes me wonder
how much I have missed.

Wind Chime

Thursday October 28 (Poetry Challenge Day 24)

This morning I awoke
to my wind chime.

It is such a gentle sound.
I don’t normally pay attention to it.

It seems to only ring
when I am most silent.


Wedensday October 27 (Poetry Challenge Day 23)

Dishwasher tablets.
Small Olive Oil.
Sandwich rounds.
A collapsable stool - white only
…or black…
…or gray…

Add a fly-swatter to that list.
Decisiveness is important.


Tuesday October 26 (Poetry Challenge Day 22)

It occurred to me this morning
that what I am really doing here
is telling the story of my life.

That was probably obvious to you already.
I tend to be the last to
discover most things about myself.


Monday October 25 (Poetry Challenge Day 21)

One goes into the dirt at his feet.
He doesn’t bend for it.
Another sails over his head.
He doesn’t reach for it.
I just want him to show me
how to throw the damn ball.

Too many calls at work today.
I didn’t get a damn thing done.
The warranty issue just won’t go away.
Who the Hell will I assign to that one?
I need to get in
early tomorrow.

It warms my heart to see
the two of them out there playing together.
Who would have thought the boy
would be able to play baseball.
I just wish he were a bit more patient with him
and tried to enjoy himself a bit.

Any similarity to persons real or otherwise is coincidental…


Sunday October 24 (Poetry Challenge Day 20)

It’s time to go buy some shit on Amazon…
…or not.

Note: If writing short one-liners should be avoided, it’s a shame to burn one so early in the project.

Fountain Pen

Saturday October 23 (Poetry Challenge Day 19)

Few tools give me more pleasure
than a fine fountain pen.

I only own one,
the bastards are expensive.

If you have never tried one,
you are missing a wonderful experience.

Note: This is not to say that I don’t own any symbols of success… I would not spend $1000 on a fountain pen, but I have spent well over that for a bicycle… by a factor of 10…

Get On Your Bike And Ride

Friday October 22 (Poetry Challenge Day 18)

You could use this phrase
to suggest someone needs to look
for a new job.

It could also mean
you have a penchant
for fat bottomed girls.

Maybe like David Byrne,
you have a “Diary”
in your future.

For me, it means freedom, exercise,
the means which allows me
to look at things differently.

Whatever it means to you,
‘Get on your bike and ride!’

When I Die

Thursday October 21 (Poetry Challenge Day 17)

You’ve heard the phrase
‘don’t cry for me.’
I’m going to add a new one,
‘don’t sweat the details.’

When I die
I would like it if you get together
and say nice things.
If they are true, all the better.

But please don’t sweat the details.

Don’t worry about a memorial.
I’ll give you all the instructions you need for that…

Play my favorite song.
Read my favorite poem.
(Likely not one of mine.)
Oh yes, and read a few words I have prepared for you.

And then… go get drunk.

Note: I realize the phrase ‘don’t sweat the details’ is not original to me.

My Cat Thinks I’m Stupid

Wedensday October 20 (Poetry Challenge Day 16)

He Is, There’s Little Doubt

Did you know there is such a thing
as an ‘Anthrozoologist?’

They specialize in thinking like animals.
They will tell you that cats think we are stupid.

I knew that.
My cat is constantly teaching me how to feed him.

He leads me to his bowl,
he doesn’t realize I’m onto his game.

Just for fun, when we reach his bowl,
I’ll pick him up and hold him instead of feed him.
The look of consternation on his face is priceless.

Sometimes instead of feeding him
(especially in the middle of the night)
I’ll take him back to bed with me instead.

I’ll try and snuggle with him,
he will bolt from my arms the first chance he gets.

Cats are still wild animals,
otherwise he’d know I was messing with him

Instead, he jumps down, shaking his head,
wondering how stupid could I be.

Note: The subtitle was written by my cat.


Tuesday October 19 (Poetry Challenge Day 15)

It’s truly amazing how quickly
we become frustrated
when we can’t find parking.

Note: Some would say this is a sentence disguised as a poem. I would not be the last person to agree with that…


Monday October 18 (Poetry Challenge Day 14)

The world is in crisis.
I try to be optimistic.
I think I mostly succeed,
but occasionally reality intercedes.

Why have we reached this threshold?
The veneer of a just American society,
the notion of fairness and opportunity,
in reality stripped away.

I don’t understand what the leaders
of this frenzy have to gain.
Will making rich people richer
really help advance the interests of humanity?

What are the people that want
to take us to a “glorious” past
really afraid of…
I think it is fear of losing their power.

Or perhaps it is the desire to gain more
power, money, influence,
but, at its’ root, fear.
This feels all too historically familiar.

Note: I do feel a bit guilty about engaging in political writing. I don’t want to repeat the mistake of Eric Coomer from Dominion. He should have shown more social media restraint, but even if he had, I don’t think that would have in any way prevented us from finding ourselves where we are today. Which raises the interesting question: If there were no such thing as social media 1) would you be reading this, and 2) would there have been a Jan 6 insurrection?