A Year of Living Thoughtfully 03/01/24

# 164

I like my life. I’m reaching a point where I can actually appreciate that feeling. That doesn’t mean I know what tomorrow holds, quite the contrary, I don’t, but I have some good ideas about what will make tomorrow a good day.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/29/24

# 163

One must stop periodically and listen. Pay attention to what is going on around you. Unless you stop and pay attention, everything you experience will only be a reflection of yourself. That would place you as far from reality as you could possibly get.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/28/24

# 162

I have realized the reason I write is that someday I will no longer be here. If I place these words in the right hands, perhaps they will survive me by a generation. If I’m really lucky, maybe two.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/27/24

# 161

Life is a combination of joys and sorrows. They must be accepted together. Neither one should be allowed to rule.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/26/24

# 160

Always look ahead and not back. I have tried to live by that rule all my life. Occasionally I forget some past event that I probably should have hung on to. A hazard I suppose of adopting this approach to living. I’m not sure there is a solution, but as a precaution, I’ve started keeping a journal. That may prove to be beneficial, but only if I read it…

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/25/24

# 159

Kill The Banker - Manhattan

  • 2 parts Bullet Rye
  • 1 part Amaro Averna
  • 8 dashes Abominable Bar Spiced Apple Bitters

I named this drink after a run at Revelstoke. I haven’t skied it yet, but by god, I’m going to, and when I do I’m going to have one of these to celebrate.

Note: You can only get these bitters from Mike at the Sitzmark Bar at Alta Lodge.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/24/24

# 158

I threw some money away today. I signed up (online) for a service without reading the fine print. If I canceled (even immediately) I was still obligated to pay a fairly significant “cancellation fee.” Welcome to the “Internet Service” business model. My bad.

I suppose this makes me naive, or worse yet, just not very bright, oh well… I blame the service provider for not making the terms at least somewhat visible before pressing the ever-engaging “Continue” button…

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/23/24

# 157

Sometimes I laugh and cry at the same time. I’m going to take that as a healthy thing. It’s probably better than crying. If you are just crying, you probably have given up. If you are just laughing, you probably haven’t embraced the depth of what is confronting you.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/22/24

# 156

I have been told by certain people that I lack “assertiveness” (Oddly enough this corresponds to Grammarly’s interpretation of my writing.) In fairness to myself, I find it necessary to point out what I consider to be a truism, that is: “Genius hesitates.”1

Albert Einstein in his seminal 1905 paper on Quanta, considered to be the birth certificate of Quantum Mechanics, began his famous paper with the words: “It seems to me…”

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  1. “Seven Brief Lessons On Physics,” Carlo Rovelli. P. 15. ↩︎

A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/21/24

# 155

“Thank you.”

At least for me, the previous five entries have provided terrific inspiration. The trick is to revisit these words often and allow them to ingrain themselves into my practice. I have every intention of doing just that, to the best of my ability.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/20/24

# 154

“Keep going.”

Find something you like doing and keep doing it. Do it every day. Do it even if you aren’t particularly excited about it that day. Your reward is in the doing. It could be that today is not your day, but that’s okay, there is always tomorrow. Being the best is not the prize you are trying to obtain. Being the best you can be is the prize you are trying to obtain. That only comes with practice. Ask anyone who is the “best” at something why they do it and they will tell you it’s not out of a desire to be the best, I believe they will tell you it is out of a desire to do what they love.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/19/24

# 153

“Be kind to yourself.”

Give yourself some grace. Allow yourself to be forgiven when things don’t go quite as you had planned. My goal is to write, I don’t get discouraged when my writing is shit. I may never write like a New York Times columnist, but that’s okay because I’m writing like me.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/18/24

# 152

“Track your results.”

It doesn’t get any more simple than that, and the tracking does not have to be complicated. Simply clear your mind of success or failure, and write down what you did today. Don’t judge, just record. Judging will deter you. After a while the recording will become a reward in itself.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/17/24

# 151

“Build a routine.”

Someone recently asked me, “how do you have the discipline to write every day?” It is true routines are “built.” To begin building, the most important component is not caring about the result. Especially when the result is not what you hoped for. Make the point of what you are doing, simply the doing and nothing more. The love of what you are doing will emerge and the result will follow. The love of doing creates the discipline.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/16/24

# 150

The next five entries were inspired by the author Brianna Wiest.

“Start slow and small.”

Building on small successes is the most reliable way to reach a goal. Do what your goal dictates and do it every day despite what you may perceive as the quality of the result. If a small result emerges, celebrate it.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/15/24

# 149

Do I wish that I always followed my own advice?


Am I successful at doing so?


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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/14/24

# 148

Yes, we have much to teach our children, but we have much to learn from them also…

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/13/24

# 147

Instagram isn’t fun, it’s work. Facebook isn’t fun, it’s work. X isn’t fun, it’s work.

Fun is a state of mind. That doesn’t take much work at all…

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/12/24

# 146

It has been said that cats are not trainable. I can’t confirm or deny that hypothesis; however, I do know that I am trainable. My cat will not take water from his water dish anymore. He insists I lift him onto the counter in the bathroom so he can drink from the faucet. It makes me smile every time we do this dance. I’m quite sure it gives him as much pleasure as it gives me, after all, few humans are trainable.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/11/24

# 145

Often the strength of an argument is better judged by the weakness of the counterargument.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/10/24

# 144

Life is precious. That is about as true a statement as one could make I suppose. There are examples of people not using the precious gift of life to make the world a better place there are those who by their actions and words are leading others off the path of making the world a better place. Reconciling this conflict is our greatest challenge. It begins by making our own lives reflect this awareness. That is accomplished by taking care of ourselves, which allows us to care for others. It doesn’t matter if it is in big ways or small. Even the smallest of ways is important.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/09/24

# 143

Occasionally I ask myself: what have I done that may cause others to want to avoid me, that may make them want to seek shelter from me? The notion that could not happen is of course preposterous. We harm someone every day, even if it is only slight, even if it is not to someone else but to ourselves. I believe we can seek comfort in acknowledging this, it can also free us to do better tomorrow.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/08/24

# 142

I like to write every day. Sometimes something worthwhile results. I have no hope that anyone besides myself will find any of this worthwhile, but it makes me happy to think there is at least that possibility. None of this changes the fact that all of this is probably more of a gift to myself than to anyone else.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/07/24

# 141

I need to think about moving to Colorado. The skiing is pretty good there. They also recently recognized Donald Trump as a traitor to the United States. (The only problem with that is they deferred the final decision on that question to the United States Supreme Court, which was the right thing to do.)

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 02/06/24

# 140

I’m beginning to see my life with more clarity than at any point in the past. Yes, this sort of thing comes with age. Experiences also play a major role in shaping who we are and how we see ourselves. Good experiences and bad experiences all become factors. Once we are fortunate to obtain the vision of who we are, the trick becomes hanging on to that vision. We should be careful to do just that.

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