A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/16/23

# 88

Happiness is not what happens to you when the stars align in your favor, happiness is not an accident. Happiness happens when you are focused, mindful, and practice the things that bring you joy — and you practice daily.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/15/23

# 87

“Soften your knees. Trust the slope. Give in to gravity.”
—Heather Hansman

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/14/23

# 86

Sometimes, like today, I am at a loss for words. Even in those moments when we feel ourselves adrift and unmoored, we need to keep looking for the shoreline and searching for a place to put in.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/13/23

# 85

Stressful times cause people to become shortsighted, this can easily cause the loss of ability to look at the big picture.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/12/23

# 84

Sometimes humor can be used as a substitute for thoughtfulness. With that in mind, I offer the following: if my cat could talk (he probably can, he just chooses not to) he would tell you that I love him, but I only like you… That is largely my fault for indulging him too much. Any conclusions you take away about yourself are on you…

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/11/23

# 83

Look, then look again… then look again.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/10/23

# 82

One path to peace, personal peace, is creativity. It also has the benefit of personal growth, but most of all, peace.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/09/23

# 81

Even the biggest things can be broken down into small, simple steps. Even the most overwhelming subjects can be understood when taken in small pieces.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/08/23

# 80

Be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to look at things, to look at your life. To look through different eyes. Imagine yourself soaring over yourself like an eagle. That is how Anaximander stumbled onto the concept of a map.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/07/23

# 79

Allow yourself to break the rules so you can learn by direct experience.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/06/23

# 78

Learning from failed attempts at something allows us to continue advancing our knowledge and skills.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/05/23

# 77

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”

I try and do good, but that does not mean I am excused from striking at the root of my own depravity.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/04/23

# 76

Certainly (in my mind) the most mystical instrument is the flute. More than any other it creates a transcendent mood. The flute goes back to 33,000 years B.C. The first flute was made from vulture bone. Music is in our DNA.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/03/23

# 75

Anything done well takes work. The reward that comes upon completion more than compensates for the effort.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/02/23

# 74

All it takes to be healthy is yoga, meditation, a healthy diet, practicing mindfulness, and showing gratitude and compassion to others. Simple, right?

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 12/01/23

# 73

Too many people go through life without questioning what path they are on. You may not ever get an answer to that question, but it is enough to keep asking.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/30/23

# 72

We are positively biased in our favor. That is, we tend to remember the positive things about ourselves and forget those things that speak less favorably about us. The trick is to keep a healthy balance between the two.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/29/23

# 71

You can not simultaneously be both the smartest person in the room and the dumbest person in the room In other words, you shouldn’t go around extolling how wonderful you are while blaming others for your personal failures.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/28/23

# 70

“This life is more than flesh and bone.”
—Buddy Guy

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/27/23

# 69

Remember Armando Galarraga! One out away from a perfect game, the batter hit a slow roller back to the mound, Armando fielded it and threw the batter out at first to complete the perfect game — except the umpire called the batter safe. Perfect game down the tube. After the game, the umpire admitted his error, and acknowledged what it had cost Armando. When asked the next day if he was angry, Armando replied: “I am too happy to be angry.”

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/26/23

# 68

The secret to life is to live long and ski. Cycling is not too bad either.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/25/23

# 67

Thoughts are just thoughts until you put them down on paper. Once you see them, they become real. Perhaps that is why I admire writers.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/24/23

# 66

Writing in my journal is like going to church. It fills me with promise. I’m glad I do it seven days a week. I’m like the old maiden who goes to church every morning and then proceeds to go about her business for the rest of the day.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/23/23

# 65

What is Thanksgiving all about? Shouldn’t every day be a day of giving thanks? That proposition seems to require a “yes” answer.

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 11/22/23

# 64

Reading “Walden” is what inspired this project. My goal is to write more clearly than Thoreau — sadly not as poetically or eloquently — it is safe to say that his eloquence would be hard for most persons (myself included) to match. He tended to often incorporate the use of hyphens in his writing, which I now tend to use myself (and probably overuse, just as he did). Matters of eloquence aside, I admire his use of run-on, but grammatically correct sentences, even though they are distracting to the modern ear… mine anyway.

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