Life On A B-I7

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Journal Entry - Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Welcome to 2025

It’s the start of a new year. I can’t recall feeling more excited about the year ahead than I do now. Invigorated is a good description. Who would have thought that at age 71, one could look back on their life with some pride and also look forward with an expectation that even greater things are in store, but that is how I feel. Another wonderful thing about this year is I feel I have some powerful intentions that are not only worthwhile but are attainable. I’m excited about putting in the work to get there. All of this while we are facing a trying time as a nation.

America is changing before our eyes. Sometimes it feels like no one is aware of what is going on. Democracy is dying and is being replace with rule by the rich. Whatever benefits the wealthy is the new political policy. The irony is that this change was made possible by the people that will benefit the least from this transformation. I’m not going to dwell too much on this reality going forward for two reasons. The first is there is nothing I can do about it in the short term. The second is because we will come out of this, it will take time, maybe even more time than I have left, but we will come out of this.

Perhaps that is the reason I feel optimistic about my own future. This national crisis has given me the freedom to focus on myself. My future is up to me and no one else.

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