Life On A B-I7

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Journal Entry - Saturday, October 19, 2024


Having coffee at my favorite coffee shop in Central Oregon, I overheard two farmers chatting. They were complaining about the usual DEI issues I hear frequently expressed in this part of the world.1 After bemoaning that issue for awhile, I heard one of the gentlemen, the one with the Stetson, say that he was tired of the fact that “there are no rules any more.”

Well, I could not help picturing him as a Trump supporter.2 The irony of course, is that it is his party that has systematically worked over the course of the last eight years to dispense with all rules.

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  1. I hear this expressed everywhere in fact. It has become a common argument in an ever broader cross-section of the population. ↩︎

  2. There was more to that impression than just the hat and the belt buckle… ↩︎