Life On A B-I7

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Journal Entry - Sunday, September 29, 2024


Even though this is an online journal, it doesn’t matter what I say because no one reads it. Even the person closest to me doesn’t read this, and that’s okay, I don’t take it personally. In fact, it’s probably a lot healthier for everyone that way. Journals should only be read posthumously anyway.

I’m very concerned. I’ve been bothered for the last month. I should have started being bothered seven years ago, I’m always the last to the party. Now that we are approaching the most critical election in the history of our country, I’m scared shitless.

The Republican candidate is a deranged idiot. I marvel at how few (at least as far as I can see) people seem to agree with that. For goodness sake, he’s selling limited edition watches to make money for himself, and he’s pitching them in his own voice. If you listen to his adverts, the syntax and grammar is that of a sixth grader. It’s hard to imagine why the Republican Party would stand behind a candidate like this. (That’s another topic entirely.)

I don’t have an answer to that. I’m not smart enough to answer that question. I am smart enough to realize that our country is in grave danger should he be elected to the highest office. There has been a presumption throughout our history that the leader of our country would be a man of conscience. We may not always agree as a people with our approach to problem solving, but the presumption has always been that the leader would be reasonable, intelligent, and responsible. That is not the case with the Republican Candidate.

I cannot bring myself to say his name. For me, that is akin to swearing.

It is poetic and apropos that his opponent is a woman. I’m not surprised that when the outcome is truly hanging in the balance, it is a woman that should rise to the occasion to save our souls. I just hope that is what happens.

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