Life On A B-I7

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 08/25/24

Day #341


It is a fact of human nature that thought defines our reality. We literally choose what we will think. Someone does something stupid on the freeway, we choose whether to get upset, or whether to ignore what happened. Someone says something to us in what sounds like a harsh voice, we choose to take offense or we choose to dismiss the words.

Reality is quite literally the present moment. Everything else is past or future. That may seem obvious, but the truth is the present moment is all that we control.

We are thinking creatures, we can’t exist without thinking. The beauty of that is it gives us tremendious control over our reality, what we think, more control than most people realize. The trick is to listen to our thoughts, when they go astray, we need to engage them and steer them back onto a positive track. In other words, actively create the thoughts that we are experiencing, rather than letting our minds drift in random directions.

The old analogy that each thought is like a stone dropped into a pond is more true than not. The ripples created by the stone move out in all directions, changing the surface of the water. The influence created by a single stone is surprising when you watch its effect. So to is the influence on ourselves and on others with each thought we engage and each word we share. We create reality simply by how we choose to perceive the current moment.

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