Life On A B-I7

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 08/15/24

Day #331

Dear Justice Roberts

Our founders believed that humankind is not a perfect creation. To rule ourselves with proper care and concern for the welfare of every citizen requires a government where the power wielded by each branch is equal in its ability to oversee and correct any direction taken by one of the other branches. This is the basic idea our founders used when drafting our Constitution and was so eloquently expressed in the Federalist Papers

Your court in all its self-professed “textual” knowledge has completely failed to understand this basic concept. You have allowed the court to become a partisan body that sees itself as wiser and more fit to judge the future course of our nation than either branch that has been elected by the people you profess to serve.

The prime example of this is the Court’s decision to set itself up as the sole judge of what constitutes a “legal” act by the Executive Branch. By giving yourself that power you have created a monarchy that is only answerable to one branch of government. Worse yet is the fact that in so doing, you have actually created a monarchy that can ignore the wishes of that oversight branch (you) if it so chooses. Your seat of self-proclaimed authority is functionally a sham.

The conclusion I draw from this turn of events is that five shallow self-serving men are hiding behind robes. Unfortunately this is not the first time in our history that robes have been used to mask the true intent behind a corrupt view that exceeds the bounds of decency and the vision of the founders.

This is the legacy of your court. Not one I would be proud of if I were a well educated man entrusted with the responsibility, above all others, to preserve and protect our constitution and the freedom of it’s inheritors.

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