Life On A B-I7

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 06/17/24

Day #272

“If we don’t win this election, I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country.”

That is a scary statement. Never in our country’s history has someone running for office worked so hard to normalize violent rhetoric, or blatantly misrepresent not only our history but also reality in general. Of course, the violence in that sentence is veiled. This candidate is a master of that technique. Don’t let this nonsense lull you into thinking he is not serious about the use of violence, he is not only willing to use violence as a political tool, but he is intentionally positioning himself so he has an excuse to use that very tool.

The other pattern in his rhetoric that is important to point out is his habit of revealing precisely what his plans are, by accusing others of having that same plan. The intent is to make it sound like he is the savior when in fact he is the perpetrator. This is the very pinnacle of shallowness, but it seems to be a persuasive strategy in the eyes of many people.

Another way of putting this is… If you vote for this candidate, you are making yourself his “Apprentice.” That is the reality for anyone who chooses to follow him. He is making younothing more than a pawn.

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