Life On A B-I7

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 06/09/24

Day #264

As an expansion of the idea expressed in the previous post, I offer the following quote which expresses the idea that fairness and opportunity should be applied to all equally and that to ostentatiously display one’s wealth is not the proper road to happiness: It is “With an ill grace from a man, who parades out streets with a coach and four horses when it is known his exorbitant salary enables him to make this flashy parade, and the money taken to do so comes from the pockets of the industrious part of the community.”

This quote was from an article in the Philadelphia Federal Gazette in 1796 about Supreme Court Justice James Wilson. Justice Wilson was a man deeply in debt and living from loan to loan. This is a situation not unlike a very similar one we see being played out daily today.

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