Life On A B-I7

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A Year of Living Thoughtfully 06/10/24

Day #265

Ray Bradbury wrote a thousand words a day starting at the age of 9. The first work he felt truly satisfied with he released when he was 25 years old. Given the fact that I write only about 500 words a day and have been at it now for 5 years, I will likely be 98 years old before I have produced a piece of writing that truly satisfies me.

That does not discourage me. I’m not Ray Bradbury. I don’t have his skill with language or his creativity, but that’s okay. We bring to the table what we have to offer. If what we bring is the best that we can produce at the moment, we have done our best. The real point is to keep going. The only goal I have for myself is the channeling of my creative expression. That’s enough. That, and good handwriting.

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