Life On A B-I7

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Family History - Monday, March 18, 2024

A Note of Apology?

My Father was known to be quite stern at work (and home as well). This little artifact shows a side of him that wasn’t always clearly on display. A new employee reporting to my father, three days on the job, left this note on my Father’s desk.

Dear Mr. Boss Man;

I’ve worked for you three days now, and so far, I was here until 11 PM on the first day, came in early and stayed until almost seven on the second, was fifteen minutes late on the third and am now about to leave at 11 PM.

Question: What the hell did you do before I came along?

Regards, “The New Guy”

Yeah - I know! I’ve Gotta stop coming in late!

As I recall, “The New Guy” and my dad became close friends.

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