_ Saturday April 22, 2023 (Journal Entry)_
It should be embarrassing for me to say this, given my background, but I’m not too proud to admit that I finally understand the difference between binding and assignment as they are implemented in computer languages.
To put it succinctly, binding uses more memory but allows the user to make significant modifications to variables on-the-fly. For example, in a language using binding, a variable might start out as an integer, but if there is a need later on during execution for that number to become something else, say, irrational, a language that uses binding can easily accommodate that. In the case of languages that use assignment (and strict type checking, like compiled languages) once a variable has been assigned a value of say integer, that is the only type of number that variable can hold. In general, languages that use binding are a bit easier work with than languages that use assignment, and can be faster when it comes to the amount of time it takes to develop the solution to a problem.
Why am I writing about this? I like to learn something new every day, even if some people might consider it is useless information. For me, learning something every day will help stave off dementia and will help stimulate my memory. which by the way, has never been very good, even when I was younger.
Now, ask me the difference between “early binding” and “late binding” and the first thing I’ll say is we are not talking about wrapping packages… If you insist that I give you an answer (simplistic as it is, and I’m fully aware that you may not be insisting…) I’ll just say compiled languages use early binding and dynamic languages use late binding. I’ll leave the rest of that explanation to someone that has a better understanding of language design.