On Hate

Journal Entry (Thursday October 27, 2022)

Just don’t do it. Life is too short. There are many things more satisfying you can do with you emotions. Even if you think you are justified (however you might do that) there is no justification.

Throughout human history, there has been no single human emotion that has wrought more havoc, destruction and suffering. Make a vow not to be part of that legacy. Choose a different path. You don’t have to love everyone, leave that to the gurus. If you find yourself falling into hate (however you might defined that) you must stop and assess where you are going, and make every effort to turn yourself around. I believe the individuals that avoid that path are the individuals most worthy to be held up by us as leaders.

On Fear

Journal Entry (Wednesday October 26, 2022)

How do civilizations decline? The biggest reason is the irrational propagation of fear. Whether the impetus is wielded by a self-serving minority of citizens from within, or a legitimate threat from without. The result is the same. Fear pushes a populous to authoritarianism. While I believe societal fear acts like a contagion, I’m not aware of any academic studies that empirically verify this. That said, when you see fear spreading through a population and there is no direct cause, it is difficult to look at it as anything other than a form of disease. Subversive forces can certainly take advantage of this situation and seek to encourage it, but I think such forces are rarely the root cause. I believe a good portion (but not all) of the root cause of our current phenomena goes back to the COVID Pandemic in 2020. There is little doubt in my mind that this event created unprecedented cultural upheaval, and opened the door for unscrupulous people to take advantage of a psychologically weakened population. Where you have upheaval, you have an opening for all sorts of change, both good and bad. Unfortunately for all of us, the change resulting from this particular upheaval has been mostly to our detriment.

I suppose you think I’m looking at current events through a negative lens, I wouldn’t blame you if you did. In truth, I’m just trying to make sense of a current phenomena that to me, and I think many others, makes very little sense.

On Love

Journal Entry (Tuesday October 25, 2022)

It is presumptuous of me to claim to know something about love. Sharing on this subject is more about what I don’t know than it is about what I do know. I suspect It is a subject that comes more easily to some than to others. In my case, it has been an almost life-long journey. I have finally arrived in a place where I can say I have found it, and it feels good to be able to say that. The journey to this place on the spectrum of love has been rocky. I don’t want to disparage the other people that shared the journey with me at various times in the past, I hope they are better off today than when they were with me. An apology of sorts I suppose. I have to acknowledge, I have learned as much about love through my children as I have on my own. I suspect my influence on them has had little to do with their success.

Finding love to share with a partner and living love in general are two very different things. I’m inclined to think you are fortunate if you find the former, but I firmly believe we all should live the latter. That can be tough to do, no question about it. But the degree to which we live love, to a large extent, defines the sort of person we are. Living love also goes a long way towards how happy we are with this journey we call life. I believe this maxim applies to all of us, regardless of whether we realize it or not.

On Democracy

Journal Entry (Monday October 24, 2022)

According to a recent NBC Poll…

Eighty percent of Republicans believe Democrats are on a path that will end Democracy in America. The same percentage of Democrats believe that Republicans are on a path that will end Democracy in America.

This is a completely untenable situation, it really doesn’t matter which party you affiliate with.

America is divided. The truly sad thing about that fact is that the “division” was intentionally created.

On Work

Journal Entry (Sunday October 23, 2022)

I’ve been lucky. I spent most of my working life laboring at something I enjoyed doing (most of the time). I suspect not everyone can say that. I was a software developer. It is perhaps a bit of a stretch to call myself that (it largely depends on your definition of software developer) since I worked on the same system for virtually my entire career. I was a part of it’s evolution over the years and I like to think the system provided a capability that was integral to my company’s success over that same time period. It is worth noting however that shortly after I retired, the company turned the maintenance and development of the system over to a contractor. I think that says a lot about our time, enough said in that regard.

I remember with a good bit of pride the day I went into my boss’s office and told him I wanted to write a software solution which was only related to my primary responsibility in a peripheral way. I proposed writing a software migration tool for database objects that not only managed the version history of objects, but also automated their promotion from test environments to production, womb to tomb automated management of software objects, providing significant third-party labor savings. The boss said it couldn’t be done. I managed to persuade him to give me three months to deliver the solution. I wanted six months — because of his pessimism he was not inclined to make it easy. There was nothing available in the commercial sphere that performed this function. It was a big deal. The project was a success and I delivered it within the three month time-frame. This is the reason I like to think of myself as a “software developer” rather than a “software laborer.”

Of course, now I just write a personal blog, and promote my blog entries to the publishing platform manually… It’s more fun that way…

On Voting

Journal Entry (Saturday October 22, 2022)

I voted in my State’s General Election today by mail-in ballot. I have absolutely no concern that my ballot will in any way fall pry to voter fraud of any kind. If you seriously believe your ballot has been tampered with, I suggest you log on to your state’s voter website and verify that your vote was recorded as you intended. Of course if you still believe your vote was tampered with (if you don’t trust your state’s voting record) that indicates one of two things to me: either 1) you think you are living in China or Russia (if that’s what you think, may I suggest you buy a map and a compass so you can locate yourself with a bit more accuracy) or 2) your I.Q. is somewhere south of 80. Bear in mind my initial statement, I have complete confidence my vote will be properly handled, not only that, but you should know that as far as I.Q. goes, I’m just a hard working 81. Given that, you can safely assume yours is probably somewhere south of zero. I’m sorry if that insults you, but keep in mind one other bit of trivia that is important to understand: A coup d’etat is not a valid democratic process. If you think it is, you might want get out that handy map and compass again.

On Writing

Journal Entry (Friday October 21, 2022)

I have realized this morning (not for the first time, but with a clarity not previously felt) that I would like to have spent my life writing prose rather than writing software. Writing software isn’t really writing (at least for me) it’s about trying to figure out what the machine reading your words is trying to tell you — and it’s never anything good. It’s always your fault because you didn’t play by the rules. Never mind you don’t always know what the rules are — no one can know them all, but you find yourself looking for answers to a critique you don’t really care about. On the other hand, to be a real writer is one path to true creative expression. (Musicians included of course — I have great admiration for them as well.) It’s no easy path to follow. Can anyone become a writer? I don’t know the answer. I suppose in the final analysis the writer himself (or herself) is the only one that can answer that question. I’m working on it.


Journal Entry (Thursday October 20, 2022)

WARNING. I’m getting just a bit political here, and I know that isn’t always a good thing, but I’m going to do it anyway.

All you need to know about Kevin McCarthy is that he actually took the time to collect a jar full of Donald Trump’s favorite Starburst flavor… and then presented it to him.

A Toast

Journal Entry (Wed October 12, 2022)

It is my privilege to offer the first toast tonight…

As the proud father of the bride,
who adores his daughter,
let me just say…

a few words about Scott.

Scott has a creative mind and is very talented,
he’s also a superb skier and climber.
A superb skier…
for a guy that skis on half a pair of bindings and a bent knee…
But, don’t try to follow him down Mid-Cirque,
unless you know what you are doing!

I’ve hung-out enough with Scott,
that I can say without reservation:
He’s a terrific guy…
I couldn’t ask for a better son-in-law.

You’re pretty cool too honey…

Let me finish this toast very simply:
May your love guide you,
may your love sustain you,
and may your love fulfill you,
for all the days of your lives!


Porcupine Rim

Journal Entry (Thu October 6, 2022)

Porcupine Rim. BLM East of Moab.

Live In The Present

Journal Entry (Thu October 6, 2022)

A wise man once said:
If you’re angry it’s because you’re living in the past.
If you’re fearful it’s because you’re living in the future.
If you’re happy it’s because you’re living in the present.


What does that mean exactly, or perhaps a better way to put it is, how do you insure you’re living in the present. I don’t know the answer for everyone, for me, it’s all about where my focus is. I think artists have a natural ability to focus on something to the point where they are creating a reality from just their mind. Of course there is an outcome to this focus, it is the art that they are creating, but there is a side effect, in order to create they have to be in the moment, they must be living in the present. I can’t imagine an artist is not happy when they are creating. To live in the present, you must live like an artist. Whatever you are doing, you must give it your focus, you must listen and not interrupt, you must think about the other person, not yourself, and certainly, It doesn’t hurt to pursue creative tasks now and then, even if you’re not an artist.

The wise man in this case is Instagram. Instagram is not a complete waste of time, but I might have also learned this by studying the Stoics, which would probably speak a bit more highly of me if that were the case.

The Perfect Pen

Journal Entry (Tue October 4, 2022)

I love to write, but I prefer to write by hand. In fact almost everything that finds its way to this blog starts out hand-written. I enjoy the experience, there is something uniquely satisfying about hand-writing my thoughts. Along with that love comes a desire to find a really fine pen, one that writes smoothly and just feels good when putting words down on paper. It took some effort, but I have found the perfect pen, it is the Stalogy ball point pen. It’s a 0.7 width pen that uses low-viscosity oil-based ink, made in Japan. The latter should really not come as a surprise. The Japanese have a penchant(?) for making ordinary things well, which in turn brings joy to simple everyday tasks - like writing.

I realize this is a bit of a leap, and possible a stereotype, maybe even nonsense, but it feels real to me. Upon further reflection, it occurs to me that if Americans were able to look at the simple things in life in a similar manner, it might just have a profound impact on our culture, perhaps even how we treat one another. I realize this is probably a stretch, but I’m going to go with it anyway.

My Final Cat Poem

Journal Entry (Mon October 3, 2022)

The cat sleeps at my feet.
Why does he do that?
Comfort… security…
It doesn’t “accomplish” anything,
other than make him feel good.
My poetry is like that for me…

I use the word “final” in a very cautionary way. I really could not guarantee this will be the last time I ever expound poetically about cats…


Poetry Challenge Day 365 (Saturday, October 8)

The Poetry Challenge is complete. I probably should not have called it a Poetry Challenge. A better title for this endeavor might be, “A Year of Living Poetically.”

When I think about what I have gained from this experience, I am a bit overwhelmed. When I set out on this journey, I didn’t really think I would succeed. Having actually completed what I set out to do, I feel a certain pride. More importantly, this has demonstrated once again for me an all too valuable lesson, that with patience and persistence almost anything can be accomplished.

While this may not have made me a better writer (I will be the first to admit it has not) it certainly opened my eyes to the fact that writing is not an easy task. I’m referring to the task of writing well, of course. While a lot of what came out of this experiment was dashed off (probably too) quickly, occasionally I did strike upon something that is worth at least remembering, if not admiring. (I am speaking here solely for myself of course.)

You may be wondering what was my favorite entry. After rereading all the entries again, I really can’t choose one favorite. I think the real meaning here is hidden in the sum of all 365 entries, which makes the take-away unique for anyone foolish enough to read all of this.

May all your endeavors be as memorable and satisfying as this has been for me.

The Journey

Poetry Challenge Day 364 (Friday, October 7)

A poem a day for a year…
You might think by now
they would be getting good,
je suis vraiment desole,
(roughly translated)
“I’m sorry, the joke is on you.”

The real beneficiary
has been yours truly.
I have a better appreciation
for who I am,
which I think is what I set out
to achieve.

What more could I
have wanted to gain from this?
Did you think I was going to tell you
everything I have learned?
The answer to that is to
take the journey for yourself…

My Cat

Poetry Challenge Day 363 (Thursday, October 6)

What does a cat think?
I wish I knew.
When I look into my cat’s eyes
I believe he is trying to say something,
perhaps something long the lines of “I own you”.

I think he loves me, in his own way.
I certainly love him,
A love that sometimes feels
A bit one-sided.
It’s still special.

When You’re Not There

Poetry Challenge Day 362 (Wednesday, October 5)

It’s one thing to wake up
every morning beside you,
quite another to find you not there.
Without you there I find myself
wondering what life would be like without you.
It’s not a pleasant thought.
I’m better and happier
when you’re there.

Please note I spelled “your” with an apostrophy.


Poetry Challenge Day 361 (Tuesday, October 4)

Don’t vote for a candidate because
they tell you their opponent is bad.
Don’t vote out of fear.
Vote for a candidate that will
improve your life.
If you’re already happy with your life
vote for a candidate that will improve the lives
of people less fortunate than you.
If a candidate can’t tell you what they
will do to make your life better once elected,
your vote are doing more harm than good.

The Oncely Alligator

Poetry Challenge Day 360 (Monday, October 3)

Perhaps all this poetry nonsense
stems from my childhood.
To get me out of the house
my parents enrolled me in a
summer writing program.
I remember our class titled
our composite summer’s work,
The Oncely Alligator.
I wish I could remember who
came up with that title.

Famous People

Poetry Challenge Day 359 (Sunday, October 2)

I know a guy that threw a pumpkin
off the top of an FAA Control Tower.
He traded his pumpkin tossing skills in
and become a commercial airline pilot.

I know a guy that was the first to ski
a snow covered volcano
in the Aleutian Islands.
He never got credit for it.

I know a woman
with exceptional English Language skills.
she spends her time correcting my grammar.
I love her for it.


Poetry Challenge Day 358 (Saturday, October 1)

I would love to just sit down
and write a poem
but of course it doesn’t work that way.
I really don’t have a clue
where they come from.
This is probably a good example
of what happens when
the answer to that question is unclear.

What If

Poetry Challenge Day 357 (Fri Sep 30)

What if you got tired of me
and decided to live without me.
Of course you can,
any time you like…
I hope you don’t.

The Window

Poetry Challenge Day 356 (Thu Sep 29)

I stare out the window,
the wind is blowing
what is that…
A car goes by.
I don’t know where I would go
if I were in it.
I suppose that all depends
on who I am with.
If you were with me
I would take you to Marfa Texas.
It’s the coolest town in the Lone Star State,
cooler than Austin.
I’ll go back someday
and I’ll take you with me.


Poetry Challenge Day 355 (Wed Sep 28)

It seems we have lost our ability
to laugh at ourselves,
perhaps even listen to one another.
So much anger.
Where does it come from?
It comes from our words.
If we speak mean words
we will find ourselves
being mean.


Poetry Challenge Day 354 (Tue Sep 27)

Where did numbers come from?
It’s hard to imagine
humans could come up
with something so beautiful
just by staring at their toes.